Lesson 4
Creating your Tactical Plan
4 MinutesIt is not enough to simply have a goal. We must have a tactical plan to achieve the goal. The tactical plan includes the lead activities that you do each week and the commitments you must keep. True to form, we have provided you the lead indicators you need to take action on based on the Revenue Goal you established. It is important to understand that taking action on the lead activities are only half of the tactical plan. The other portion of the tactical plan involves “one time” commitments. A commitment is a “one time” activity that is designed to improve the scoring on your lead activities. The weekly commitments have been created for you. Once again, these commitments are in alignment with the Revenue Goals you established.
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Reference the Tactical Plan associated with the Revenue Goal you chose in the Resource Section. Copy and paste the Tactical Plan from the Resource Section and then edit to set the appropriate numbers here.
Lesson Resources
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