Lesson 3
Gamification of the Problem/Opportunity Questions
6 MinutesOur challenge is to discover problems and opportunities without interrogation tactics. There is a fun, quick, and easy to use method to discover problems/opportunities. It begins with understanding the challenges & goals of our profile customers. Once again, we have already done this for you. We have done a deep-dive into what your profile customer’s want and want to avoid. We have taken these challenges & goals and created a card game.
Write your thoughts and questions here. Join the conversation.
Using the introduction script found in the resource section - copy and paste and make “edits & additions” until you feel comfortable with how you will introduce the game to a future buyer.
Lesson Resources
This section contains all downloads and links mentioned in this lesson. Each lesson will have an audio download available, a module summary document, and links to any other files or websites mentioned in the lesson.