Lesson 4
How to Deliver the Educational-Based Briefing
2 MinutesWe design the Education-Based Briefing for you—the seller—to carry the conversation until you build enough interest for the buyer to interject. Our objectives in the Education-Based Briefings are to inform and educate in a full industry analysis and elevate yourself to expert status. Remember to avoid talking about your company or products because anything that sounds like selling will push your buyer away.
Write your thoughts and questions here. Join the conversation.
Our objective at this stage of the process, with the buyer, is to create a dialogue, not a solution . By opening a dialogue, we avoid the biggest mistake that sellers make, offering our solution too soon . Practice delivering your briefing with a peer or friendly customer at least 10 times (remember to avoid offering our solution) . How many times have you delivered your briefing to a peer or friendly customer?
A. 1-2 times B. 3-9 times C. 10-15 times D. 16 or more
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