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Lesson 2

Introducing the Educational-Based Briefing

3 Minutes

In this lesson, we dispel myths that we should be selling from the beginning—pitching benefits of our company and its products—and instead set up the most effective alternative, the Education-Based Briefing, in order to Establish Trust and Create Rapport through education.

Write your thoughts and questions here. Join the conversation.


The tool to establishing trust has already been created for you. It is located in the Resource area. Please read the briefing and the notes to familiarize yourself with the content. You will need to rehearse the briefing (that means actually saying, out loud, what you would say to a prospect). You will need to rehearse (in presentation mode) at least 10 times before you present. Please indicate how many times you have rehearse the briefing aloud.

A. 1-2 times B. 3-9 times C. 10-15 times D. 16 or more

Undefined note

Lesson Resources

This section contains all downloads and links mentioned in this lesson. Each lesson will have an audio download available, a module summary document, and links to any other files or websites mentioned in the lesson.

Module Summary

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The Education Briefing for Landscaping 2017

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Questions & Answers

  • After you do a modular/drip course do you need a new Facebook group for each class?

    No, you don’t! What you can do though is you can create an alumni group. So you have one for your current class and one for alumni. Once people come through the class they can go into alumni so you only ever have two groups. You can even do it where you only have the one group. You don’t need to have different groups for every single class.

  • Can you provide more context into how to set up a summit? How do you get expert contributors to provide content? What arrangements are typical with the contributors?

    How do you keep it simple? Well, you have an opt-in page, AKA a registration page, right, and you have a thank you page. After they register, they land on the thank you page, and that would say, "Thank you for registering for the summit. I can't wait to share all this great content. Here's the schedule of when things are going to be released." Just two pages. Opt-in page, thank you page. Then, what I would do, is I would literally create a page, like one page, that has the summit presentations that you release is almost like a blog. You could literally just do it as a blog. That's the fastest and easiest way. There's many other complicated ways to structure this, but just keep it super simple. I've even seen people do real basic summits, where they would literally send out the presentations just via email. Just one at a time. To me, there's so much power in just keeping it simple. Why? Because you're going to do it if it's simple. If you add layers of complexity, you're going to procrastinate, and you're not going to get it out the door. Here's my tips to you. I would not try to do 20 speakers. Way too many. I would just start with five. I'm going to share with you the super basic. You know what I did? Back in 2006, when my wife came to me for the first time, and she said, "I want to raise a whole bunch of money, I want to go to a third world country, and I want to take that money and improve the school and community." I said, "Okay, how are we going to do that?" She said, "I don't know, you're the money guy, you raise the money, I'll organize the trip. I'm the traveler." I was like, "Great." So, here's how I raised the money. I called up five of my friends, Jeff Walker was one of them, and I said, "Hey, would you be available on such and such date? We're just going to talk about..." we called it the Prediction Call, where you're going to talk about what you see as big trends coming up in new year.

  • For webinars, how do you find/select strong hosts?

    From my experience being a host and having a host, you want somebody that likes people. Somebody that actually likes engaging, that likes talking, that likes interacting with people. Number two, I think you want somebody who is generally positive and optimistic. Number three, you want somebody who can communicate clearly.

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