Lesson 6
The 3 Disciplines of Process Control
11 MinutesThis is the final lesson and perhaps the most important. This entire program is designed with one major objective – to help you achieve your Sales Goals. In this lesson it all comes together. In our CORE lessons we provided the tools of “what” to do. In this module and specifically, this lesson, is about doing. It’s no longer knowing what to do, it all boils down to execution, doing. “To know and not to do – is not to know”. There are 3 disciplines to process control:
- Score the previous week.
- Plan your current week.
- Peer Support.
Write your thoughts and questions here. Join the conversation.
Print you Tactical Plan for week 1. Then plug the lead activities and commitments into you task planner of choice (your CRM, your Calendar, or your Planner). These actions must have times blocked off for their execution. Please copy and paste or take a snippet of your Tactical Plan transformed into task and place it here.
Lesson Resources
This section contains all downloads and links mentioned in this lesson. Each lesson will have an audio download available, a module summary document, and links to any other files or websites mentioned in the lesson.